The service provides medical primary care services to people who have been removed from their mainstream GP practice list. The service seeks to ensure that any patient removed from a practice has access to essential and additional medical services; and works with patients reintegrating them over time back into mainstream general practice wherever possible.
Referral criteria:
Patients are referred to the service due to varying degrees of physical or verbal abuse toward practice staff or other patients. The patient removal documentation can be obtained via PCSE or the SAS directly All referrals to the SAS must be accompanied with a crime reference number from the Police.
How can appointments be accessed?
The service and appointments for patients can be accessed by phone and online: Telephone: 0330 128 1050 or via AskFirst GP APP (App currently only for Lewisham Patients).
Where is the service based?
The service is provided at a number of sites across South East London including: Queen Mary’s Hospital; Orpington Health and Wellbeing Centre; sites in Lewisham and Dulwich Hospital.