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Admissions Avoidance

Keeping patients out of hospital is the main objective of the NHS @home service. The admission avoidance pathway supports the identification of patients that are at high risk of hospital attendance and/or admission and effectively managing them within the community.

Patients are monitored daily for a period of up to 14 days with the aim of controlling any presenting symptoms as well as providing education as to both self-management of their healthcare needs as well as how they can ensure they receive the right care at the right time in future.

Patients can be referred into the NHS @home service from any Lewisham based service. The referral process is as light touch as possible and will flow through to our technology partner, Doccla. If the referral is accepted, the patient will receive their monitoring kit within 2 days, at which point their monitoring will commence remotely and be reviewed by a multi-disciplinary team of clinical staff.

Reading at Home
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