Remote Monitoring is an NHS service that utilises technology to monitor patients’ health via mobile phone. One Health Lewisham use Doctaly Assist, a service created by the NHS and Doctaly, to securely monitor patients with certain long-term conditions like hypertension, asthma, diabetes, and COPD at home through a WhatsApp chatbot.
If your doctor determines that remote monitoring would be beneficial for you then with your consent, you shall be invited to use the service. You will then receive messages for clinical assessments via WhatsApp, which will involve a series of questions about your condition. A clinician will review your responses and reach out to you directly through chat, phone, or video.
The information you provide will be shared with your registered GP practice, and any changes to your treatment plan will be safely documented in your medical records.
Doctaly Assist remote monitoring is also used for NHS health checks (screening for early signs of dementia, stroke, heart disease, kidney disease, type 2 diabetes) and musculosketal (MSK) issues.
For more information, please refer to the Doctaly Assist FAQs.